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Social innovation as a policy response to restructure the welfare state
gökçe cerev
Multidiszciplináris tudományok, 2021
The focus of this paper is the interaction between social innovation and restructuring welfare state. Modern welfare states have been reconfiguring their welfare mixes through social innovation. This includes a productive integration of formal and informal actors with support and leading role of the state. This collaboration becomes significantly important since it means the integration of not only the actors, but also their capabilities and resources in today’s world where new social risks and new social challenges have emerged and no actor can overcome these by its own. Therefore, social innovation is a useful tool in the new role sharing within the welfare mix in order to reach higher levels of satisfaction and success in welfare provision. The main point here is that this is not a zero-sum competition; gaining more power of the actors other than the state – the market, civil society organisations and the family – does not necessarily mean that the state lost its leading role and...
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The Philosophy of Sustainability and Interior Design: Rethinking Jason F. McLennan’s Sustainable Design Philosophy on Interior Design
meryem geçimli
A Critical Review of Social Sciences Theory and Practice, 2018
There are many studies that examine the relationship between interior architecture and sustainability. Aktas (2013), in his study of ecological and green design approaches, draws attention to the important role of interior architecture in the construction sector. It evaluates the internal energy and emission effects of lighting, ventilation, thermal comfort, insulation, finishing and surface treatment materials. Jones (2008) emphasises the environmental responsibility of developing interior design, furnishing, finishing and equipment for green design (protecting human health) and sustainable design (protecting the health of the world). This study consists of evaluating the interior design discipline in the book titled ‘The Philosophy of Sustainable Design’. It is acknowledged as the pioneer of books on sustainability in the area of design.
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Being Informed of the Inclusive Practices for Employees with Disability:White-Collar Professionals’ Perspective in Turkey
Kerim Balcı, Kağan Güney, İdil Işık
Employment and Social Protection of Adults with Disability : Selected Papers, 2019
During our qualitative research project about the social identity of employees with disability (EwDs) in Turkey, we recognised that EwDs criticise other employees and managers their limited knowledge concerning the legislation on employment of disabled people. They believe that people are uninformed on disabled people’s potential to work efficiently and effectively when reasonable adjustments are implemented at work settings. We also observed that EwDs were disapproving others’ discriminatory behaviours in the workplace, even when these are positive discrimination in nature, such as favouritism or mercy. In this context, we conducted the current study to investigate how the white-collar non-disabled professionals perceive the initiatives at organisational and national levels that aim to enhance inclusion of EwDs and how this is connected to their level of knowledge about the current legislation governing the employment of people with disability. This study is descriptive cross-sectional research so that our aim is to portray, to the greatest extent, as to how whitecollar professionals perceive EwDs, and the efforts to involve EwDs in their organisations and Turkey.
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Challenges in Migration Crisis and Racism in the European Union
Ceren Ece Gocen, Meral Balcı
Since 2011, Arab Spring has affected many countries in North Africa and the Middle East, and caused regional conflicts and civil war as in Syria. People living in these regions have had to leave their countries for security concerns. At the beginning, those who took refuge in neighbouring countries have moved to Europe considering factors such as better living conditions, economic prosperity, and educational opportunities. The migrants who wanted to go to Europe from their host countries were from Syria, Kosovo, Albania, Afghanistan, Iraq, Eritrea and Nigeria. The common expectations of migrants in various origins have been to provide maritime access to Greece and Italy, and then spread throughout Europe. The wave of migration that started with this anticipation continued with the disappearance of the lives of thousands in the Mediterranean, and those who reached Europe have been treated as negative and hostile at the borders. In the EU, which is the target of migrants, racism, anti-migration and Islamophobia have been increasing for years. The beginning of the migrant crisis in 2015 accelerated the rise of political organisation and extreme right-wing parties, racist movements and hate speech. Extreme right-wing and anti-migrant parties, which increased voting rates, used migrants as political propaganda tools. Immigrants are held responsible for economic, political and social problems. It is argued that immigrants have created insecurity and increased crime rates. It is also argued that sociocultural influence is negatively affected. The migration crisis, with the European countries failing to take responsibility and exhibiting an anti-migrant attitude, and the living tragedy has riveted. The EU countries have caused the crisis to grow even more by blaming each other and trying to load each other’s responsibilities. It took time to act collectively towards the crisis. In the meantime, some of the countries within the Schengen Region have closed their borders with wire mesh and have tried to control by deploying security forces. People who have gone through illegal routes have been subjected to violence from time to time. This attitude of the European countries is contrary to the values and norms that the union has and which it has defended since its establishment. In the same way, beginning to adopt more conservative and individual politics instead of libertarian policies has negatively affected to European integration.
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Efficiency of Turkish Derivatives Market: A Study on VIOP
Ozan Gönüllü
A Critical Review of Social Sciences Theory and Practice, 2018
The word efficiency is used in different meanings in different fields. At a certain point of balance, if the welfare of an economic unit cannot be increased without reducing the welfare of another unit, this is considered as efficiency. This type of efficiency definition is also known as the pareto efficiency (Williams, 2005). The efficiency in capital markets is defined as reflecting all current information of asset prices on the market (Fama, 1970). In this sense, efficient markets are defined as places where new information is reflected in the fastest and most correct way to the prices of securities and commodities. The literature in this field is usually examined the efficiency in three different dimensions. They could be counted as allocation efficiency, operational efficiency and information efficiency. The efficiency implied for the financial markets is information efficiency. Effective Market Hypothesis (EMH) briefly states that the prices existing in the market contain all kinds of information, so it is impossible to provide a supernormal return by using this information. EMH is a fairly controversial issue in academic finance literature. The studies mainly focus on whether stockexchange market is effective or not. In this study, it is examined whether or not the Turkish Derivatives Market is effective in weak form. In the analysis phase, the past price movements of traded contracts are subjected to various tests to determine whether they are suitable for the random walk model and indirectly for the efficient market hypothesis in the weak form.
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The Opinions of the Relatives of Elderly People Regarding Elderly People.pdf
omer celikkol
A Critical Review of Social Sciences Theory and Practic, 2018
Danışmanlık H zmetler ve T caret L m ted Ş rket Br t sh L brary Catalogu ng n Publ sh ng Data A Catalogue record for th s book s ava lable from the Br t sh L brary
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Sürdürülebilir Bir Yapı Malzemesi Olarak ETFE'nin Mimaride Kullanım Olanakları
Hande Eyüboğlu, Zeynep Küçük Yanılmaz
Beyşehir Selçuklu 1st International Conference on Humanity and Social Sciences , 2023
Sürdürülebilir mimarlık uygulamalarında en önemli adımlardan biri çevre dostu malzeme seçimidir. Malzemenin ekosisteme ve insan sağlığına zarar vermeyecek niteliklere sahip olması sürdürülebilir bina tasarım süreci için son derece önemlidir. Günümüz modern mimarisi geleneksel malzemelere alternatif yenilikçi ve üstün niteliklere sahip yapı malzemelerinin geliştirilmesine yönelik adımlar atılmasını sağlamıştır. Özellikle polimer bazlı ürünlerin keşfedilmesi ve yapı endüstrisinde de yer edinmesiyle inşaat sektörü yeni bir boyut kazanmıştır. Bu bağlamda cama alternatif olarak geliştirilen ETFE (etilen tetrafloroetilen), hem işlevsel hem de estetik açıdan yüksek performans özellikleri göstermesi nedeniyle son yıllarda sıkça tercih edilmektedir. Binalarda çatı ve cephe kaplama malzemesi olarak kullanılan ETFE, sahip olduğu sürdürülebilir nitelikleri sayesinde ekolojik mimarlık uygulamalarında en çok kullanılan malzemelerden biri haline gelmiştir. Buradan hareketle yapılan çalışmanın amacı; ETFE malzemenin mimarideki kullanım olanaklarının sürdürülebilir mimariye sunduğu katkılar doğrultusunda değerlendirilmesidir. Bu amaca yönelik olarak Çin, İskoçya, İngiltere, Japonya ve Almanya’da bulunan ve ETFE malzeme kullanılmış olan beş örnek yapı incelenmiştir. Bu yapılar farklı büyüklüklerde ve farklı kullanım amaçlarına sahiptir. Dolayısıyla geniş bir kullanım alanı bulunan ETFE’nin; hafiflik, şeffaflık, ısı yalıtımı, yangın dayanımı, leke tutmama, kendi kendini temizleme, çevre koşullarına, UV ışınlarına ve atmosferik etkilere karşı dayanım, uzun ömürlülük, kolay montaj, geri dönüştürülebilme vb. birçok sürdürülebilir özelliği bulunmaktadır. Çok yönlü ve sürdürülebilir özellikleri sayesinde ETFE malzeme, modern mimarlık uygulamalarının en önemli yapı malzemelerinden biri haline gelmiştir.
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Investigation of Teacher Candidates' Attitudes towards to Distance Information Technology Course
Songül Karabatak, Atilla Bingöl
SOSCON Social Sciences Congresses, 2019
When one speaks about education and training, classes is the place that first come to mind. However, crowded classes, lack of facilities and equipment, lack of equal opportunity, failure to meet individual requirements, and similar negativities lead to a decrease in the quality of education and the academic success of students. All of these adversities and rapid developments in technology brought about the search for alternative education systems against traditional education systems. One of the alternative education systems that emerged as a result of the developments in the field of science and technology is the “distance education” system. In this study, it was aimed to determine the attitudes of teacher candidates towards the distance Information Technologies Courses conducted by the Department of Informatics. The study is a descriptive study using a scanning model. Within the aim of the study, the opinions of the students of the Faculty of Education in Firat University, who participated in distance Information Technology Course in the spring term of 2018-2019 academic year via distance education system, were taken. In the process of data collection, Attitude Scale towards Information Technologies Course and Academic Achievement Test were used. Percentage, frequency, arithmetic mean, t test and correlation analysis were used in the analysis of the data. As a result of the analyzes, it was observed that teacher candidates' attitudes towards information technologies were at a moderate level. At the end of the study, various suggestions were offered to increase the attitudes of the teacher candidates towards the distance IT course.
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The Causes of Refugee Crisis in Europe: A Realist View
Abedin M. J.
Frontpage Publications Limited Level 2, 13 John Prince’s Street, London W1G 0JR, United Kingdom , 2019
At present refugees is one of the burning issues and among important challenges for Europe. In 2015, the world has witnessed the highest number of refugees fleeing to Europe since the Second World War. A large number of refugees had fled from the Middle East especially from Syria, Iraq and North Africa. EU trying to solve the crisis within its legal framework despite every member of this union has its own strategies. Germany, Hungary, Sweden, and Greece are the main destination of refugees. The refugee crisis turned into a security concern of Europe after the Paris attack in 2015. On the other hand, most of these refugees are Muslims so anti-Muslim sentiments forced Europe to rethink their policy to cope with the crisis. Sometimes a number of European states have deemed these refugees as migrants although these two concepts are not the same. In this context, how we can explain the refugee crisis in Europe in the light of realism?
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Testing Validity of Okun’s Law for Five Fragile Economies
erhan oruc
A New Perspective in Social Sciences, 2019
Even though economies creating not enough employment have been examined for a long time, researchers do not reach any consensus about how to solve it out. In the developing countries, under growing world economy theories on jobless growth are being developed since it is not opening new jobs to reduce unemployment rate even if the growth rate of population has been decreased after the World War II. Politicians are also concerned about unemployment since it has a potential threat to the social environment and security in society. Also, it is inevitable to lead not only to decreasing wealth but also increasing psychological problems with unemployed. This may lead to detrimental troubles which are more difficult to figure them out. To avoid these, politicians and economists implement some economic policies to cease to rising unemployment rate or reduce it. It is generally accepted that economic growth results in reducing the rate of unemployment. To reduce unemployment, there will be an increase in production in an economy which causes rising demand for factors of production and since labour is a factor of production so this process leads to increase employment and reducing the rate of unemployment rate. Thus, unemployment decreases in an economy which has a positive growth rate. On the other hand, although many countries have grown by high rate after the 1980s, yet the rate of unemployment has not declined by satisfying amount. Especially, employment rate has become steady or declined in some industry which has registered increased productivity. In that case, unemployment rate may not decrease enough if economic growth is caused by productivity. Okun (1962) pointed out the relation between economic growth and unemployment rate. If economic growth exceeds its potential by 1%, then unemployment rate goes down by 0.5%. Later, this relation is called Okun’s Law. After the 1980s, one of the resources of economic growth was productivity, especially in developing countries. Due to the increase in productivity, the employment rate remained as before or could decrease even if the countries’ economies grew. Moreover, the growth rate of the population was high which led to decrease employment rate or less than economic growth performance. The aim of this paper is that investigate Okun’s law for five fragile economies: Brazil, Indonesia, India, South Africa and Turkey. This paper is organised as follows. Section 1 describes basic theoretical background of Okun’s Law. In Section 2, the paths for growth rate and unemployment rate from 1990 to 2017 for five fragile countries are discussed. Then, some empirical examples for five fragile economies will be presented in section 3. In the following part, data and economic models will be discussed. The results of applications are reported in Section 5. Finally, Section 6 makes concluding remarks.
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